Roxanne graduated from the highly respected school, West Coast College of Massage Therapy, in 2015. She carries a passion to support her patient’s recovery process from the most vulnerable stages to one of full health. That passion led her to attain a full certification of the Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT) and then to challenge the LANA exam.
In addition to MLD, she incorporates a variety of gentle, non-aggressive techniques as appropriate in the healing stages for the various conditions being treated.

Some of the various conditions Roxanne works with include swelling, bloating, cancer and post-cancer recovery, autoimmune disorders, slow digestion, PCOS, Pre & post-cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, Chronic sinusitis, lipedema, lymphedema, venous insufficiency, varicose veins, concussion +post-concussion syndrome, postnatal care and more.